New website!
We are very, very excited about this: we have just released our new, completely redesigned website. In addition to adding many recent samples to our gallery, we have simplified and streamlined the design to offer a much improved navigation experience. The site is also iPad ready: the samples look particularly awesome on retina display devices! We have even redesigned our logo! We proudly invite you to take a look. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome: let us know what you think. As always we are at

Infografistas: By the Numbers
About a year ago, Javier Errea (the organizer of the annual Malofiej infographics conference in Pamplona, Spain) asked one hundred infographic artists from around the world (including us) to create a visual definition of infographics. We thought it would be fun to ask all 100 participants a few questions and create a graphic showing the data we gathered from their answers. The results of our little poll were as amusing as they were revealing. See the graphic below. All the infographics and images sent by the participants were published in a book (Infographics: A Visual Definition), available though the website of the Malofiej event.

New blog: National Infographic
Our cofounder Juan Velasco, who is also the Art Director at National Geographic magazine, has started an amazing blog: National Infographic. For first time, Juan is opening the doors of NG's Art Department to the world, showing us all the incredible research and talent behind their wonderful infographics. The blog is lavishly illustrated with photographs, sketches and finished art. It is indispensable for anyone interested in graphics! Also, congratulations to Juan for winning the Best of Show Award at the Malofiej conference for the NG's Terracotta Army graphic that opens his remarkable blog (see below).

Consulting in Switzerland
A few months ago the Swiss media company Tamedia asked us to redesign the infographics for three of their newspapers: 24 Heures, Tribune de Genève, and Le Matin. We created two stylebooks for them, and travelled to Geneve and Lausanne to train their very dedicated infographics teams. Below, see a few pages of the stylebooks we designed for them. You can also see more examples of graphics stylebooks we have created in our website gallery.